Tuesday 14 April 2009

My new accessory

It finally happened, the police caught up with me. (My shirt choice that day was quite ironic wouldn't you say?!)

Handcuffs hurt! I was marked!

A small explanation: There is a police officer that comes into school and he was in on the last day of term the week before last. He's a pretty fun guy and we often find ourselves in banter of some sort. Somehow I ended up smarting off to him (in a joking manner obviously) and found myself in his handcuffs. This all happened right outside the head teacher's office and the commotion brought the head teacher out to investigate. Of course I'd be the one making all the ruckus and in handcuffs outside his office. He laughed.
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Anonymous said...

Oh Karen! That reminded me of Dad in a similar situation years ago (The occasion was a community fund raiser).