Tuesday 14 April 2009

Farewell to Clare

Last week we sadly bid farewell to Clare who left the school and will be traveling around for 6 months - how jealous am I?! Clare's a very special friend and I love her to bits, we were even flat mates for a couple of months last year. I'm very sad to see her go!

Clare listening to the head teacher wishing her well in her future

Clare saying goodbye, explaining she decided to leave her History teaching post "because there was no future in it" (Think about it - quite funny.)

After school broke up for the two week Easter break the staff went out on the town to see Clare out in style.

Tesca came to my flat so we could car share across London but wasn't satisfied with the outfit I picked out, apparently I looked 20 years older than I am in my outfit. Friends always know how to make you feel good about yourself :-) So Tesca redressed me ...

...in a dress! (The picture's not great, but you can see the evidence of my in a dress and some cute shoes thanks to a good sale my sister found)

Tesca and I tried to get a picture while we were out, but the lighting wasn't so great

...so we took one when we got back to my house at 3am, hence the very tired eyes in this picture!
Let me tell you getting up for work the next day was not a fun event. Oh how tired we all were for our inset day!

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Anonymous said...

I know you value Teska's influence in your life ;D