Tuesday 14 April 2009

The Magic Man

...aka Alex. I met Alex in 2005 at TGI Fridays - he used to work for TGI Fridays doing close up magic at tables as restauranters eat their dinner. I was out with some girlie mates enjoying a fine evening of girlie fun (as you do) when Alex popped by the table and wowed us all! We exchanged details and became fast friends. At one point he was probably my closest friend, we even spent a very fun Christmas together that year. Time moves on as do relationships / friendships. Sadly we've lost touch as our lives moved away from each other (he's now engaged - congrats!!! and I live in London, so meeting up isn't the easiest of things to do). But the week before last he was down in London preforming magic for a company and had a spare hour to kill so we met up for dinner. It'd been over a year since I last saw him, so I was extremely chuffed when he called to let me know he was in town. It was so great to catch up! I love old friends!
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Anonymous said...

How 'bout that!

Anonymous said...

Glad you love old friends, because I'm a friend...and I'm a card-carrying (Medicare) Old Person now.