Friday 22 May 2009

An evening with Ed

I've been stretched further than I can cope with recently - I'm burning the candle at both ends (working super hard and long and playing hard). Wednesday I was due to meet up with Ed to go for dinner and I couldn't be bothered. I've been working 12-15 hour days and I'm exhausted. But I know how much I love going out with Ed and I always have a good time so I took a shower to perk myself up and headed out to meet Ed. I had a great time. Nothing special - just chit chat and catch up, but I do love chit chatting with Ed. I always have a good evening with him!! He's fabulous!!

It was cold walking back from the restaurant to my car ... Ed decided to do a few star jumps to warm up.
Love. It.

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Anonymous said...

Good to hear about your fun evening, jumping jacks (stars) and all!