Monday 12 October 2009

Ben & Jerry's concert

July 26th - Ben & Jerry's Concert

So my boyfriend is superb at not only knowing what's going on in the city, but also at getting tickets to take advantage of what's going on in the city. I've really been spoiled by all he's taken me to and shown me!
After I got back from camp (a yearly event in the summer) he took me to an outdoor Ben and Jerry's concert in Calpham Common (a fairly big park in south London). Music AND ice cream - can't get much better! Basically you go into the event area, queue up for a type of ice cream and while you're eating it get in a queue for a different type of ice cream. We tried 6 types of free ice cream before stopping. (There is a limit to how much a person can eat before inducing vomiting!)
I have to mention that I came back from camp with "suspected" swine flu (I say suspected as they were quarantining everyone with the symptoms and not testing for it). I felt really rough when I got back Saturday afternoon and was barely moving on Sunday. I'm really happy I went, but at the time I was really dragging!

James and I in one of the ice cream queues. (I've been told many times that I look weird in this picture, but I think I look pretty darn good for having piggy flu!)

Enjoying one of my ice creams (I think this was Baked Alaska)

A random Ben & Jerry's cow mascot that was wondering about
One of the flavours was caribean / Jamacian influenced and there was a stell band playing - very fun atmosphere there that day!

After gorging on ice cream we pitched up a picnic and tried to eat some sensible food while enjoying the concert

I couldn't resist taking a picture of the outdoor toilets (porta potty) - too funny!!!

Had a great afternoon ... then spent the next week confined to my room on house arrest till my piggy flu went :-(

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Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your photos and post.
