Thursday 26 November 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! As has become a yearly tradition, I came up to the midlands to spend a long weekend with my "adoptive" family. This year everyone gathered at the church building for a traditional turkey feast. Bar the nightmarish journey through London (I despise London traffic!!!) it was a really good day!

PS I was excited to rediscover my missing Thanksgiving shirt. I'm not a huge fan of it (it's a bit over the top design wise and it's far to baggy on me) but it just doesn't seem like Thanksgiving without an appearance from the shirt. I mist have worn it for 14/15 years by now!!


Anonymous said...

So glad you're able to go back to the Midlands.What a special tradition you have, even with your Thanksgiving shirt ;-]

With love and thankfulness,