Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Catching up with friends

I've been very poor with staying in touch with my friends over the past few months ... Settling into a new job am new routine etc.

Over the last few weeks I've been able to meet up with a few friends and it's been very good to catch up with them!

Saturday afternoon I met Tesca (above) for lunch. Tesca is a very good friend that I met at my last work place. Such a good friend that we use to call each other at midnight just for a chat!

This evening I met up with Hayley (sorry, no picture, I'm slipping). I've known Hayley for about 5 years, we used to work together in the midlands and move to London within a few month of each other. Because of illnesses in December & Janurary an our schedules, this evening was the first time in at least 4 months that we've gotten together! Very rubbish!!!! We had a lot to catch up with and it was a very girly, fun catch up. Hayley keeps my head on my shoulders and I love her to bits! We've made a pact not to leave it so long till we meet up again. We're aiming for the 2nd week in May, I'll keep you posted if we keep to it :-)


Anonymous said...

It is important to stay in contact with friends as you well know (I realize that's easier said than done). Friends are the flowers in the garden of life!
