Tuesday 23 March 2010

My meager attempt at an update

If I tried to find the time to sit down and explain what's been happening since my last update, I wouldn't get around to it for ages! So I decided to upload a couple of pictures I had on my phone. (I'm blogging while on a bus headed into the city!)

Things are going well. The new job is great, I get praised regularly and I enjoy it. It's busy, very busy but I'm used to that. James and I have been dating a little over a year now and he still spoils me daily. I'm still struggling a bit to balance my work and social life (too much work) but life is good. I'll TRY and get some more posted soon.

Oh yeah... James met my parents and sister, her husband, my niece and cousin at Christmas ... As crazy as the trip was he seemed to enjoy it and liked my family. We're off to visit my grandfather in April!


Soupie said...

Well since I fussed at you for not blogging, I'll be the first to comment with my THANKS! At least I know you are doing well, you got a snow, you like your job, etc!! We also had a snow Sunday--gorgeous, about a 5" accumulation that lasted only one day and now it is sunny and 72 just two days later! I know Roxy was glad to get a bath--my poor car could use a good bath as well. Okay, the vacuum cleaner is calling my name. Give yourself a big YaYa hug from me!! XOXOXOXO