Tuesday 23 March 2010

Pizza tonight

I met James in the city tonight for dinner and a movie ... I love date nights! It was 9 by the time we got to the restaurant and I was hungry enough to eat James's arm! Luckily the pizza was fast in coming out and the growling animal in my stomach was suppressed. The pizzas came with a pizza cutter which I had fun with! Novelty items never cease to amuse me :-)


Soupie said...

Pizza at 9 pm has been known to travel from the tummy to the hips! Scary thought that something so good could turn on you, huh!?! It's probably worth it, tho. Especially one with pepperoni, bell pepper, onions, green olives, and other good stuff!! Yum, maybe i should have pizza for breakfast!!

karen said...

take off the pepper, onions and olives, add some mushrooms and I'm with you!!

Anonymous said...

You can surely "work" the camera! Kinsey has connections now ;-) and sees to it that we have Pizza Hut at least once a month, yum! Reminds me of our Pizza Inn days.