Monday 29 March 2010

James impersonates Madi

Most of you know (or know of) my niece, Madi. What you might not know is that Madi's mom (my sister) is obsessed with hair bows. (I like to play "take Madi's bow off and hide it from my sister" or "hide the bag of bows so my sister can't put any bows on my niece" game when I'm around.)

Evidence ...

from birth my niece has been in bows (I think this is aged 3 months)

...this was taken last month

James decided to do a bit of Madi impersonating on Saturday :-)


Scott and Cheryl said...

Just so that you know, the same hairbows that she's wearing at age 2 are the ones she wore in her pictures as a baby. They look much smaller on her head now. I'm needing to get some new bigger ones! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a fun post, never imagined I'd see James wearing a bow in his hair! Looks like you two were having a goofy time together ;-)
