Monday, 19 July 2010

How far would you travel to eat at Taco Bell?

... would you spend an hour and a half driving there and 2 hours getting back home for the yummy goodness of Taco Bell? I certainly would!!!

Matt enjoying his first few bites of taco Bell yumminess (I don't think he enjoyed his first experience at Taco Bell as much as I enjoy it, but he was certainly a good sport!)

Many times I've posted pictures of me eating Taco Bell, but this particular picture of me eating bean burrito at Taco Bell might be the best ... It's me eating a bean burritto from Taco Bell in England!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

you appear to be in Taco Heaven, not just Taco Bell!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL ;-) oh Karen, way too funny! I agree with Sherry!

Love, Mom