Thursday 19 August 2010

Cat sitting

For the last two weeks I've been cat sitting for some friends of mine. I have cat-sat for my neighbours quite a few times so thought nothing of saying "yes" whn my friends asked this time. Let me tell you, this is a different experience to my neighbours cats. My neighbours have indoor cats that never leave the flat and are right next door to me, so no travel is required to cat-sit. My friends live 30 minutes away so I've been staying at their house, and their cats are outdoor cats so I never know when I'll see them. Pauline is the black cat and she's older and is usually around. Rocky has given me much to worry about as I don't see him much. I didn't see him for 3 full days when my friends first left: I was so nervous something had happened to him and I was going to have to explain that I had lost him! Luckily I've seen more of him in recent days and my friends are due back Saturday. I'm almost there... just have to make it through 2 more days of keeping the little darlings alive :-)

Rocky got very affectionate tonight and decided to make himself at home on me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

You are a good friend! Not many people are willing to go to all this trouble for cats. Dogs maybe, but not cats. I, on the other hand, would rather cat-sit than dog-sit. Have a new kitten, she just strayed up last week, almost too weak to stand up. She's blossoming now under David's care.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the cat sitting experience and photos. So glad you and Rocky finally got to enjoy one another's company ;-)

Love, Mom