Monday 22 November 2010

Great fun. Great neighbours.

It all started with a little air guitar and "air singing" to Use Somebody by Kings of Leon after dinner...

"uuuuuuse somebody" can you hear it?

And once the paparazzi, eg Alex, started, there was no stopping him!

More Andrea (although, I had stolen the camera at this point in the evening)

An attempt to get away from the paparazzi after some crazy dancing

At one point late in the evening it all got too much and Andrea rested her eyes on the couch. Alex has a interesting game that he plays when people fall asleep - putting hats on them and taking photos. I wa happy to join in on the fun. (Mom, do you recognise the hat?)
Yes, Andrea is in the cusions somewhere!

The photographer wasn't too keen on the camera being turned on him....
Andrea tried to get him out of hiding in the kitchen

"I hate my photo being taken" Can you see the word hate being said with passion here?
Alex spent a large portion of time hiding from the camera

So Andrea and I spent a large portion of time trying to get him in front of the camera.

So he decided to be goofy instead
Arnie's got nothing on me
Bond, James Bond

Andrea's efforts finally paid off...

Alex smiling on camera. Good times!

Andrea and I had a great time Friday night with Alex. Alex cooked us a fabulous roast chicken dinner with an asparagus wrapped in prosciutto starter. Quite the dab hand in the kitchen - who knew! Lots of fun was had. Lots of photos were taken. Lots of music, loud music. Lots of silliness and dancing. Lots of laughter.
I've got some great neighbours!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I did recognize the hat!
