Sunday 22 May 2011

I've moved!

After 4 and 1/2 years in my lovely flat on Central Hill, my landlord decided to boot me out. Perhaps it was the loud music, the wild parties, all the drug raids from the police, or that the landlord needed the money from the sale of the flat - who really knows. Whatever the reason I was forced to find a new place to call home, which I wasn't really happy with! I liked the location of my flat, I loved my flat, I loved my low maintenance garden space, I loved my neighbours and I was happy and settled - I loved my home. Mid-January (when I got the noticed to leave my flat) to mid-March (when I moved) was not a happy time... to be honest neither was April while I was unpacking and getting used to being somewhere new. By May I was unpacked and starting to enjoy my new flat. Now I really am enjoying my new flat - especially since I FINALLY got the Internet installed (with the added luxury of having a phone line and tv installed too!) Happy times!

So here it is - the new place (less than a mile away from my old flat)....

The lounge / dinning room (photo taken from the front door / entrance way)

Notice the Paris tiles about the kitchen doorway? I can't remember if they're from my mother or sister, but they've been in the box I got them in for the past 4 ish years.... they finally have a home (and are just a small start to all the Paris / Texas stuff in the flat from my family)

Looking from the lounge to the dining room (my bedroom door is to the right)

My bedroom (a little disjointed from trying to combine a few pictures, but you get the idea)

My built in wardrobe - a luxury in England, especially in London!

My flatmate's, Hayley, bedroom (she has an identical built in wardrobe)


Kitchen (another disjointed photo)

Now begins a highlight of some of the memorabilia from Paris thanks to my mother and sister ....

Photo frame in back right has "Paris" carved into top, but sun reflection is hiding it from this photo.

(Note for Mom: these are the 2 family phots I was mentioning to you next to my tv. The Gilbert family when I was aged 5 and you were 30 and the Gilbert family from December when I was aged 30 - eek!)

Check out the bottom shelf - Hello Paris! (Also my neat collection of Hard rock Cafe glasses from the cities I've visited :-)

More Paris!

Apparently I have a book shelf dedicated to the Savages. I realised that most of my printed photos are family photos, and mostly from Cheryl. I no longer print photos, thanks to the digital age and Cheryl sends me lots of photos it would seem :-)

A video for you ... but you'll have to tilt your head.