Saturday 10 December 2011

I can't bul-lieve it!

I jogged 5k in 34:30 today. I am utterly dumbfounded how I managed to get into jogging, and how I managed to do 5k! 2 months ago jogging 6 minutes was my absolute max and left me out of breath. Where did this come from?! How far can I go?

Now I guess I really need to get some proper running shoes!

PS Every time I jog, I don't think I can do it and it bores me.... until I get to the end and go "wow, did I really just do that?" Got to love how the mind works!

UPDATE (11 December)
Today I made it to 7k (4.4 miles) in 45 minutes. I seriously don't understand how I'm doing it! Especially as when I get to 10 minutes, I don't think I can go any further. But regardless - wa'hoo!

UPDATE (14 December) made it to an hour jogging today. Yippee! 5.6 miles / 9k. Also signed up for a 10k run in May. I think I might have lost my marbles!! What was I thinking?!


Anonymous said...

Wow Karen!
That's very impressive!
You go girl!

Love, Mom