Thursday 3 April 2008

I'm SO old!!!

Evidence 1 for being old: The past two nights I have been so close to going to the next room to ask / tell them to keep the noise down. In my defense I wasn't going to do this until after 11 (11pm is the time the hostel says you should be respectful of neighbours and keep quiet). However the evidence still builds on this point as I did get out of bed last night, get dressed and walked downstairs to get the receptionist to shut them up ... but reception was closed. Grr.

Evidence 2 for being old: I can no longer sleep anywhere. I woke up Wednesday morning so stiff from the bed here. I did steal a second mattress last night as there was a spare. Today the room is full, so I anticipate another night of not much sleep.

Evidence 3 for being old: Everything hurts. I can no longer just abuse my body with no consequences. I ache for days after doing things my body is not used to. Today's activities included skiing for the first time. I have ALWAYS wanted to go skiing, but never had the opportunity. Today Cate and I went skiing for the first time. I was okay until I fell over - then I couldn't get back up. Because it is the end of the season, some of the slopes weren't open (ie the beginners slopes) and there weren't any instructors. So Cate and I taught ourselves. Oh what fun we had. Don't worry , I have lots of pictures. My abs currently kill. I'm not sure if this is due to using them while skiing or from the immense amount of laughter. Cate fell down a few times in style. Oh the fun memories I'm making!!! Pictures (and videos) to come.