Tuesday 30 September 2008

Jet setter Karen makes a flying come back

Did you like what I did there? Good title, eh?! Well it amused me anyway :-) Simple things, simple minds and all that.

The plans are in motion and the plane ticket is bought for me to go to the States for a visit mid-October. All I need now is my passport - very key to traveling abroad, a passport is. I failed to plan ahead and time got away from me. My passport ran out in August, and I never sent it off to be renewed - plenty of time I told myself. Well time passed more quickly than I had planned and before I new it, I only had three weeks before I was due to fly out. I went to the American Consulate last week to renew my passport and they assure me that I should have it back in plenty of time to travel. (I'm unsure how they define "plenty" as it takes 10-15 business days - that's all I had: 15 business days!) Fingers crossed that all goes according to plan and I pray that I get my passport back the week before I travel. Even laid back, last minute, flexible me will start to panic a bit it I don't get my passport back a few days before I'm due to travel. I've spent quite a bit of money on my tickets, I'd hate to have that money wasted!

Keep your fingers crossed and your prayers coming and I'll see you in a few weeks!

I'm tentatively planning on being in Paris from 17 Oct to 20/21st Oct, then driving up to Arkansas to visit with my sister and her family til that weekend and then up to Kansas City. I'm due to head back to London on 30th. SO ... if you're in (or around) any of these places and fancy meeting up - it'd be great to see you, get in touch!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen, it's good to hear your voice on my answering machine-sorry I wasn't here to speak to you in person! I will look forward to seeing you later this month! I salute your ingenuity for fixing your little shed roof!! Good show!! I'm working late hours while getting the new biz off the ground. Hope that changes soon.
Love you,