Sunday 9 November 2008

My Frightful Friday

So Friday night I was meant to go over to Ed's house for a quiet night of dinner and a movie. This was not to be as Ed had another visitor, and unlike me this was an unwanted guest - of the mouse variety. You would expect nothing less than me to scream like a girl and jump on the couch. I did not let you down ... upon seeing the rodent, I squealed like a girl and immediately jumped on the couch and made Ed sort his guest out. Unfortunately Ed was a scared of the mouse as I was. Oh dear. So here was the plan ....

The mouse had decided to hide behind the curtain, so we decided to trap the mouse in a make-shift cage.
Make-shift cage up, I lifted the curtain and Ed was meant to put a box over the mouse to trap it so we could dispose of it. You'll not be surprised that the mouse easily escaped our cage and Ed decided to chuck the box at the mouse in the insane idea that somehow the mouse would be under the box. The mouse escaped the flying box and ran away.

As I continued to be a scaredy cat on top of the couch, Ed searched for the mouse again.

Mouse found again, Ed needed a bit of courage from his glass before attempt 2 of catching the mouse.

With a bit of encouragement the mouse ran back to the curtain and we built the cage again, lift the curtain ready to trap the mouse in the box - and there was no mouse! After a bit of pondering and searching, Ed saw the mouse had run up the curtain.
So with a bit of coaxing we managed to get the mouse in a bag and Ed kindly rehomed the mouse outside.

An eventful and funny night to remember!


Anonymous said...

You are hilarious!! He "rehomed" the mouse?? Here is Texas we have another method of disposal...but I won't describe it to the Londoner lest she go all girly on us again!

Glad the mouse is now "rehomed" outside!!
Love you,