Tuesday 7 July 2009

Year 11 leavers prom

25 June

So I never went to my prom at school, I wasn't really interested ... but I've managed to go to the last two proms at the school I work for now. I'm an odd pickle, what can I say!

All trussed up ready to go
Jess and I

The prom king, Jess, and queen, Ken....something might be wrong with this picture (besides the teachers being crowned!)
Jess, Ruth and Amy doing a little dancing in their seats

Tesca and I

It was a good evening, but if I'm honest I was so bogged down with work I didn't manage to just let go and have a relaxing and enjoyable night. Ed (a friend who I've mentioned several times on my blog) did drag me onto the dance floor for a little shuffle which was good and lifted my spirits. I've got some really good friends here at school who look after me and lift my spirits when I'm moping about!

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Anonymous said...

Caring, encouraging, supportive friends do lift our spirits! I'm happy for you to have these kind of friends at work.

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Failed to mention how attractive you looked and your hair style was the icing on the cake.

karen said...

It's very funny that you complimented my hair. I was having a "I can't be bothered to get ready" evening, thus I didn't want to wash my hair, thus my hair was NOT doing nice things. Meghan was in my room trying to de-stress me, but I was getting extrememly frustrated... and it was just adding to my "can't be bothered" moment. In the end it finally worked ... after an hour or so. I would have been SO much better off to have washed my hair to start with :-|

Glad it turned out good enough to complement though.