Wednesday 11 November 2009

Meghan's Leaving! Sad times!!!

After 10 glorious months of having Meghan as a flatmate, she decided it was time to go back "home" to South Africa. Let me tell you - SHE IS MISSED! I am truly blessed to have her as a friend and to have had her as a flatmate!! SO Many great memories and chats and fun and adventure we shared!!

Tuesday night (3 November) she had a few friends over for a dinner. I say few. It started as 3 or 4 and ended up around 17. Lots of people love her and wanted to wish her well. It speaks volumes for the wonderful person she is!

We had Mexican hats! (A favourite of mine to serve when expecting lots of guests - easy and YUMMY!) Robin & Meghan

Robin, Meghan, back of some one's head - maybe Kirsty?, back of Mary B's head, and Stephanie

Kirsty, Robin, Meghan, Helen, Stephanie, and Xena
Xena, Mary B, Meghan, Mary H, Kirsty, Stephanie and Robin & Magda on the floor

Mary B & Mary H
Late into the evening (when most people had gone), James brought out some sparklers. What a great idea and SO much fun!!!
Helen pretending to be Harry Potter

James & Meghan

One of my favourite pictures of my flatmate and I!

Meghan torturing me with a sparkler - we were in a very small space and I was quite a scardy cat. I'm not too keen on fireworks (of any sort - they're pretty but the scare me) and I was petrified of getting burned. Meghan found this funny and thought she'd torture me. Oh the love.

Robin & Helen with the last 2 sparlers.
I thought it was a great night filled with laughter and fun. I hope it was a good send off for Meghan and a great "last night in England" for her!!
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Anonymous said...

What a special time, gathering with friends, and basically celebrating friendship! I know Meghan will be sorely missed.

Love you, Mom