Thursday 12 November 2009

Remember remember the 5th of November

The 5th of November is Guy Fawkes night in England. (As I'm blogging from my phone with my right thumb, you'll have to google Guy Fawkes night if you aren't familiar with it!) It's a night of (well a fortnight really) firework displays and bonfires. I live in an area of London called Crystal Palace which always puts on a large firework display, buy in the 3 years of living here hadn't gone to it! Very poor, I know.
This year James and I decided to walk up to the park and watch them this year. It was pretty good. I'm a big fraidy cat when it comes to fireworks (see previous post on Meghan's leaving meal) but I do like to watch them from a safe distance. I was pleasantly surprised with myself that I didn't "jump" once from the noise, nor did I hide behind James (another of my classic moves!).

PS I have a picture of the 2 of us on bonfire night but it's on my camera and I'm on my iPhone, and I can only post one picture. I'll try to upload later.

Also, this blogging from phone gets painful on the thumb and wrist! Must remember to keep posts short!!!


Anonymous said...

Isn't that interesting! So glad you finally participated in the celebration activities (and shared the experience on your blog).

Love, Mom