Tuesday 14 April 2009

Sunday lunch with friends

Got to love sunny Sundays with friends. Last Sunday (not Easter Sunday, the one before that) I arranged to meet up with Clare and Ed, friends I work with. Clare's a new friend, what a find she is. We've worked together for since September but it wasn't till recently that we've gotten to go out and I realised what a great and fun person she is! You should be familiar with Ed - he's been on my blog several time, most recently on my Valentine's blog. Anyway, back to Sunday... Clare and I made plans a couple weeks back to meet up for Sunday lunch; Ed and my plans the previous week had to be postponed, but luckily Ed was free for Sunday lunch too. Perfect says my brain, lunch with two good friends - lovely.

This is my only picture of Clare, she'll probably hurt me for posting it - but it's all I got! (It's from Clare's - the history teacher Clare - that left the week before, this Clare just happened to be in the picture ... that's so confusing it doesn't even make sense to me!)

So after church Sunday at 1 I went down to the train station to meet Clare and Ed. Clare texted to say she'd missed her train and would be there at 1:45. Ed showed up a mere 5 minutes late (which is really good for meeting up with Ed - we're usually both quite fashionably late!). It turned out Ed wasn't so free for a lazy Sunday afternoon lunch and had to meet someone else at 2:30. Bummer. Ed and I walked across the road to a pub unknown to us that turned out to be a good find. Ed had to eat before Clare joined us and we got some food, but all in all it was a great afternoon. Lots of laughter and chit chat, just what Sunday afternoons are made for!

Clare was rather amused by a particular face I pulled while recanting a story... so she decided to snap a picture of it. Not only did she take a picture of it, she added it to my contact details on her phone so that every time I call her, she gets greeted by the picture.

Scary eh?!

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Anonymous said...

My, what a lasting legacy you've left behind!